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Sharing Reflection on the Outcomes from Doing Action Research


Overview of Outcomes
    A. Outcome For Researchers

 1) Those currently in the middle of an action research project. 

 2) Those who have done formal or informal action research in the past.

 3) Those who apply action research as an ongoing "habit of mind."

          4) What Technology has been important
    B. For Communities

           1) For the Action Researcher-What changes have you seen in the

                  community as a result of your action research project?

           2) For the Participants or Co-Action Researchers-What changes have you seen in the community as a result of
                    your participation as a co-researcher on someone's action research project?

           3) For the Supervisor-What changes have you seen in the community as a result of an action research project of a
                    person you supervise?


A: Outcomes for Researchers

The goal of action research is deeper knowledge and skill on the part of the researcher. "How does action research affect the researcher?" Josh Burker asked this question of his peers as they were at in the middle of their action research projects. We thought that the answers to this question from three different groups might provoke some good discussion. So we pose a version of this question to three groups:

1) Those currently in the middle of an action research project. 
2) Those who have done formal or informal action research in the past.
3) Those who apply action research as an ongoing "habit of mind."

We hope that if you have had experiences with action research, you will want to add your comments here. Please visit our facebook page to share your experiences.  We would love to hear your comments. 


1) What changes, if any, do you see in yourself while you are engaged in Action Research?

Viewing all of the challenging issues I face as questions, rather than problems is helping me sleep better at night. This wikis site, the book "Living the Questions" Hubbard, Power as well as Action Research by Mills, are guiding this process. I am feeling confident in facing the challenges that I was about ready to give up on 2 years ago.

I see myself as being more focused on a particular part of my practice, rather than being scattered. I am focused on helping teachers to use the technology we already have on campus.

I see myself as being more flexible because of the need to be responsive to the events that happen as I act within my community. I begin to see connections--as I consider other people's perspectives, I see connections.








My actions are much more deliberate. Instead of trying to micromanage every situation, I have to step back and allow the students to create knowledge through their own interactions and actions. By becoming more aware of my own actions, I am allowing others the freedom and opportunity to make decisions and actions on their own.

-Josh Burker

I am more aware of my actions and the effects they have on my environment and others while engaged in action research. I am also more reflective both in my action research and in my personal life. I think more than anything action research has instilled the habit of reflection in my everyday life. Action research has shown me the importance of reflection and the value of evaluation of your actions. - Kristen Dowling

I am beginning to reflect more on my practice. I have found that it is helpful to evaluate my teaching because I am becoming critical and analytical.

Action research has made me more conscious of my actions and the effects of those actions. I am well aware that I have the power to influence positive change through my actions. Action research is a great way to live life and it has made a positive impact on mine. - Heather Walberg

Action research gradually helped me to be more focused, patient, as well as to have a better understanding of my action research environment. - Behnaz Nassernia

The action research that I have been engaged in has given me a new perspective through which I now view my ability to enact change. I am no longer the outside observer; rather, I am directly involved and affected by the very change that I am trying to create. It is an empowering and powerful experience and process. - Bradford Davey

I have always been a "doer" in all my activities, but never really felt empowered in those

activities. Now, in my action research, I do feel empowered. I know that my actions

can bring about a change, not only in myself but in my organization. I have also found

that I am more mindful of my actions, conversations, and planning in all areas of my life.

- Allen Haren

Action Research has empowered me. I no longer fear large projects; rather, I embrace them and try to break them down into smaller parts. Gathering, which I use to think was a huge project, can be broken down into little segments, or cycles, that seem to make the workflow more palatable. Before you know it, you have really learned something. I look forward to encouraging meaningful change as I progress through my career. - Scott James

Action Research gives me a license to think more deeply about my true impact. No longer do I just react to problems in the workplace as they emerge. I now know how to ask probing questions and design successful strategies to find answers while studying my own thinking. The Action Research process encourages me to look beyond what's right in front of me and see the forest for the trees!
Christian Greer - Shedd Aquarium, Chicago


cborja Apr 27, 2011

I think the process of action research has changed the way I think about handling the problems I see every day at work. My AR project is looking at what is the best way to improve the sharing of ideas around a specific technology between instructors of different academic areas. I had noticed that faculty members are not familiar as to what instructors in other areas do with technology. There are so many great ideas and projects being done every day and only a few professors know is happening. I have tried to tackle this problem in the past with failed attempts at getting people together to share what they are doing. These efforts were not successful since they were not focused. I would have sharing meetings that would start with one person sharing and soon the conversation would change into other things and no more sharing was happening.
The action research process has shown me what an informed and focused cycle of action can do to finding solutions to problems. There are two parts of the action research process I keep going back to over and over again: the literature review and the research question.
The literature review informed me of what others have done, what has worked, and what has not worked for others. Most importantly it has allowed me to learn the learning theories used as a foundation for the actions of others. The review of the literature was also really helpful to help me focus my research question. Before the review of literature I was all over to the place as to what I wanted to do but reading about what others have done helps me really focus my research question and with that my action cycles.

Having a clear research question has been so helpful to me to keep my action cycles focused. Before learning about action research I would have tried something and then tweak it four or five times thinking all these changes would help solve the problem in a better way but really I was getting further and further away from my original problem. With my AR project, I keep looking back at my research question to make sure what I am doing is in line with what I am trying to accomplish. Any other ideas that come up during the process now get noted for future use or cycles and that way I do not venture too far away from my problem and my research goal. I will continue to use this focused approach in my practice from now on.


tjdevlin Apr 30, 2011

Within my action research, I have been very pleasantly surprised by the power of the literature review. It was not only extremely helpful in assisting me to focus my action research, it has been so powerful to leverage within my organization. The ability to identify what others have done, based upon a specific theory or theories, and to show the evidence that others have produced becomes very powerful to move debates and discussions beyond individual preferences and biases.

Perhaps it is an oversimplification, but I think that an organization like the Marine Corps (my organization) has been very good at developing a bias for action. While I think that I have learned to look at certain problems through a different paradigm, I came to the program with a well-developed
 propensity to ask why; but too often I did not spend the time researching the theory and actions of others, nor the time to capture, evaluate, and document the results of my own actions.

So I would have to say that to date, the biggest insight for me regarding my action research has been:
1. The power of reviewing the literature of the theories, approaches, and results of others attempting to solve similar problems
2. The power of capturing, assessing, documenting, and levering the results of your own actions to implement change.


tjdevlin Apr 30, 2011

Learning circles have proven to be a great educational multiplier for me this semester. The camaraderie of checking in at least weekly with others that are working their way through the same program was extremely comforting, but the strength of the learning circle was so much more than that. The experience of getting to know the learning problems being tackled by others, their approaches, actions, and reflections was a great way to broaden my own approach to the problems that I am attacking. Additionally, the feedback provided by multiple reviews by my peers and by the instructor significantly improved my individual work


2) Reflections after Completing Action Research Projects

(This is a summary of the reflections of Cadre 11 (2008-9) about what they have learned while in the process of conducting action research-- This was written by a team of 12 students beginning with reflective statements that were shared in a synchronous setting and then through group writing and reflecting.)

                                                                      Action Research in Action









Action Research is an integral part of the Online Master of Arts in Educational Technology program at Pepperdine University, and it challenges individuals to think, act, and reflect as agents of change both within their immediate practice and on a broader stage as well. The knowledge building process of Action Research contains four critical components:

1) The cyclical or iterative process of action-taking

2) Dialogue with other members of the community through the use of learning circles;

3) The meta-cognitive awareness gained through dialogue and reflection; and

4) The shift in individual identity as knowledge building grows through the process.

1) The Iterative Process
Action research causes the researcher to examine the perception, values, and beliefs of the researcher's practice. One researcher noted that "after my first cycle there were many things I wish I had done better, but as an iterative process, I was able to incorporate those lessons learned into the design of my second cycle." In talking or writing about research, it is important not to make assumptions without exploring your hypothesis. Moreover, when assumptions do not turn out as expected, it does not represent a failure, but an opportunity to conduct further investigation. The iterative nature of Action Research provides an opportunity to refine, organize, and develop a deeper analysis through investigation. The iterative process is integral in the building of individual understanding; however, the dialogue that takes place with other members of the community in the form of learning circles is critical toward formulating deeper understanding.


2) Learning Circle Dialogue
Learning Circles are a small group of people placed together to provide ongoing insight and guidance to each other. An Action Research learning circle is designed to create the conditions for collaborative exploration of issues and questions for the betterment of the group. Groups are primarily self-directed and inclusive, and in addition to facilitating collaborative exploration, the environment of a learning circle is a vital medium for shared cognition. Through dialogue members of learning, circles apply metacognitive processes to gain a deeper understanding of their action research process, including analysis of evidence collected in the course of research and recognition of personal development taking place. In this way the learning circle acts as a gauge for the action researcher, often seeing development and change for the individual that they may not recognize in themselves.

The learning circles were changed by the professor to maximize the opportunity for everyone to work together. Although one participant wondered how learning might be different if the cadre were given a choice to select their own group members, she continued to say "group selection was great it forced me to accept diversity, and be open to learning from other perspectives. Understanding that each member had their own starting point helped me cope with questioning member’s participation. For the most part I enjoyed learning from others, even though at times I did not agree on all points discussed, but for the most part, I think we have demonstrated that we can work together toward one common academic goal."

Learning Circle dialogue is about building a shared understanding with others in a non-combative way. It differs from discussion and debate in this way as the result of dialogue is not the winning of one idea over another, but the creation of a unique idea based on the input of all concerned. Action research provides the opportunity to engage in meaningful dialogue within a field of practice for the benefit of all those involved. Often, a conversation or brief question can help synthesize an idea or bolster an action. Action research has the potential to act as the catalyst for engaging in productive dialogue that yields insights into any workplace or environment. By listening carefully to others, instead of quickly jumping to a conclusion, one can keep open-mind thinking before responding.

The dialogue that takes place in learning circles each week provides a connective backdrop to the action research methodology. Succinctly describing a course of action to another individual helps refine personal ideas and leads to knowledge building in the circle and, through reflection, the larger group as a whole. A constructivist view asserts that every experience is a learning experience, and the experience of communicating with others about personal actions and obtaining various perspectives is at the crux of learning circles. We have been able to gain insights that otherwise would have gone unnoticed had we embarked on this adventure as individuals. In addition, focusing on time management improvement has helped a great deal. It is important to recognize that not all actions can take place at once and that we must learn how to choose which actions are best suited for and worthy of our attention. 

3) Reflection and Meta-Cognitive Awareness
As a cadre, we have found value in written reflection. Through reflecting we have become more curious about our action research- the reactions and changes that are taking place within ourselves and with our fields of action have taken on a new life. This practice has permitted us to examine and question our beliefs and opinions. Before action research, many of us were resigned to continue our daily challenges without hope of change. As a result of action research, we see our role in our environments differently. Understanding how we learn gives us the opportunity to discover our strengths as learners, teachers, and leaders. Action research creates a mental disposition, or habit of inquiry, and requires one to maintain a level of self-awareness at all times during the process. The ability to reflect on action is only as strong as the level of active participation. This model of research is not a passive process rather it requires mental acuity and a heightened sense of self-awareness. One recognizes the growth of the participants, but, more importantly, the researcher recognizes his/her own growth. It is important to record everything, to reflect often, to step away from the situation and think beyond the action just taken. Through reflection, we have been developing a language for expressing our ideas. Conducting action research has forced us to challenge past assumptions, understand and appreciate our environment at a deeper level, stand by personal convictions, and, paradoxically, simultaneously open one's self up to the possibility of finding that previous personal understanding are misconstrued. It has been an incredible, transformative experience; because once the journey was embarked upon, it was like stepping through the looking glass. The transformative nature of action research assists each learner in constructing and reconstructing his/her own identity leading to new possibilities and new outlooks towards the future.

4) Learning as Shaping Identity
We are constantly learning; the actions we took, the dialogue we engaged in, and the reflections written, all shape our identity as learners. The action research process has led to a change in the conception of ourselves as teachers. Some are developing into a researcher with a marketing eye, which causes a change in observations and conclusions. Some identities as teachers and coaches have changed. Some have shifted from seeing one's self as individual learners - a singularly competitive individual - to developing a sense of one's self as part of a community of learners- collaborative and interdependent. This shaping of identity starts with identifying our own strengths and weaknesses, evaluating actions, and working to improve upon them for greater understanding- this is perhaps the most difficult undertaking. This shift involves becoming more curious, more reflective at the moment, in both dialogue and discussion. We have moved from simply reacting to situations to being reflective and making choices based upon personal and community learning. We have developed more confidence as speakers, listening more, and cognizant that we learn when we speak of the process of our research. The process of studying our actions and reflecting on the process and results continue to affect the way we work with students, colleagues, cadremates, professors, and others. Working with another individual has enhanced this process; we have learned as much from others as participants as we have from being researchers.


       What has helped us out the most during the process?

            Response from another cadre.

1) The People: Learning circles and cadre.
The learning circles are without a doubt one of the most important parts of this process. We have been able to gain insights that otherwise would have gone unnoticed had we embarked on this adventure as individuals. In addition, focusing on time management improvement has helped a great deal. Recognizing that not all actions can take place at once and that we must learn how to choose which actions are best suited for and worthy of our attention.

Multiple perspectives from both people directly involved in the action research and outside of the action research with our cadre are essential in the action research process. Fellow members of the cadre whom we have had the privilege of working with, have contributed immensely to the overall understanding of action research and quality of work. There is a greater responsibility level in being part of a learning circle concept. However, it would be more beneficial to have additional synchronous meetings with the whole class. We all benefited from touchpoints with our professor, Dr. Margaret Riel, interaction with our learning circles, and connections with others in both cadres doing similar work. Being able to have access to multiple people throughout the process, reflecting ideas off of our professor, having an individual conference at face to face meetings, and keeping at least one member of the original learning circles who understood the direction of the action research and not afraid to push back were all essential to the success of the action research process and our own personal growth.


As one cadre member stated, " For me, having my Learning Circle review and provide feedback on my cycle reports was a great help. Also having them to converse with has helped provide interesting ways of looking at my AR project." Another echoed the same sentiments, "For me, the most helpful things have been discussing my action research with my learning circle and having access to Margaret. The LC's have been great for the process because I would receive constructive feedback on my action research, and the dialogue that we had during the meetings was always great." This concept of collaboration among cadre members in learning circles allows us the opportunity to be responsible for not only our own learning but to accept responsibility for the learning of the cadre members as well. Learning circles were a noncoercive and free environment that created and challenged new ideas. They are the lifeline of Action research.

2) Source Materials
Reference materials included within the structure of the coursework have been key to our development as action researchers. A few of the books that have been particularly helpful in this process are: Doing Action Research in Your Own Organization by Dr David Coghlan and Dr Teresa Brannick; All You Need To Know About Action Research by Jean McNiff and Dr. A Jack Whitehead; Dialogue: The Art Of Thinking Together by William Isaacs; and Dialogue at Work by Nancy M. Dixon. These books, combined with subject-specific literature reviewed as part of the Action Research process set a strong foundation for our work. A key outcome of the literature review was finding others who think the same way or share a common interest in an issue. It was also valuable to find the voices of those that are in disagreement with our way of thinking in order to understand multiple perspectives when addressing the change within our field of action. Access to Pepperdine's online periodical databases was invaluable and, the ERIC database, in particular, helped in finding resources to gain a deeper understanding of action research project topics and identification of the critical voices contributing to it. Many of these source materials provide ongoing value to the action researcher and may be applied to any environment that entails learning and cooperation.

3) Shifts in my thinking
Participants in the Action Research process noted a shift in the idea that criticism is negative to the idea that criticism is useful, important, and provides an opportunity for growth. Also, a shift in the definition of a "student" from that of a competitive role to one of collaborative/interdependence was seen by many. The identification of strengths and weaknesses, the opportunity to evaluate one's own actions, and work on improving them for greater outcomes was a new mindset embraced by many. While any shift in thinking can be difficult to identify, many realized that it was okay to start one process and then switch to something else; that it is okay to change and go a different direction.




3. In what ways, if any, does doing action research as a formal process in graduate school affect the way you work after you have finished your degree?


Christian Greer - Shedd Aquarium, Chicago

Action research as a formal process taught me to look at the data, and pay attention to the needs of my environment. I also have more confidence to make positive changes. Since action research works in cycles, modifications are necessary, as well as encouraged. There is no fear of not getting it right the first time.
The change was incredible! Action Research opened up a whole new world for me. Not only did it help me learn to better reflect on my own practice but it also taught me that I could help others by documenting my experience. Action Research is a powerful way to advance the field while building your own leadership skills and inspiring others to share expertise.


The learning circles are without a doubt one of the most important parts of the Action Research process. I have been able to gain insights that otherwise would have gone unnoticed had we embarked on this adventure as individuals. Fellow members of the cadre whom I've had the privilege of working with along the way have contributed immensely to my overall understanding of action research and to the quality of my work.

One feels an immense responsibility to their circle and this responsibility is one of the key driving forces for the circle. One of the greatest benefits of the circle has been having at least one member of the original Learning Circle who understood where I was going with my AR and not afraid to push back. Embracing your responsibility to push each other makes the circle even more productive.

Having a learning circle to converse with has helped provide interesting ways of looking at my AR project. Having them provide feedback, proofread drafts, bounce ideas, and add additional perspectives are quite beneficial. It becomes even more meaningful when you are able to connect with others in the cadre doing similar work.

Mike Duley

Developing a PAR (Participatory Action Research) project forced me to healthily formalize the behaviors and mental processes that I had adopted early in my teaching career. I remember my first experience teaching college students-- I clutched a lectern and read detailed notes on post-modernism to a room full of first-year college students. It was a painful experience for all involved. I prepared frantically for the lecture in a desperate attempt to compensate for something that I could not pinpoint. My whole lecture grew from graduate school readings, so it was developmentally inappropriate for the room of students whom I was asked to "teach". I compensated for my lack of relevant pedagogy with content. UGH. When the lecture ended, I asked the students for honest feedback, then I sat with my journal reflecting on the dissonance that I was experiencing. Fortunately, the students were brutally honest, burning feedback into my memory:

"...Mike, I had no idea what you were talking about"
"...slow down... we can't write as fast as you talk/think..."
"...I think you'll be a good teacher one day, but you need to relax (and get more comfortable with the material)..."

My journalling on that day was also painfully profound. I wrote things that dammed my future as an educator, and I wrestled with my professional identity during the weeks that followed. In hindsight, my despair & dissonance fed each other, and I got lost in melancholic self-criticism. Although my reviews for that term were quite good, I did not develop comfort with myself as a teacher until at least three years after that memorable first lecture.

Collaborative action research could have helped me through those early painful years. Thinking with others about the literature surrounding my actions (lecturing, developing assessments, or grading) would have given my reflections context. The collaboration would also have given me direction and support during those fragile first steps into my teaching career. Because of this, I reveled in my reflections throughout my action research project and I learned to appreciate the many critical friends that I developed during the process. It was so profound that I have tried on numerous occasions to share the paradigm with my colleagues and students.

I still keep both a personal and professional journal, and I make a few of my reflections on teaching public via my blog or local publication. I also work with several other colleagues on a project to develop the scholarship of teaching and learning (see: across six college campuses. There are other ways that I have tried to share the transformative nature of PAR, but listing them would be antithetical to the real power of collaborative action research. Truly practicing PAR forces a person to enjoy their professional journey; it does not inspire them to celebrate accomplishments as static moments of individual glory. Ultimately, PAR has helped me constantly feel grateful for the many networks that involve me, and it has inspired me to engage in frequent critical self-inquiry as a professional responsibility. -MD
(NOTE: Mike's Action Research Project is featured in the Center for Collaborative Action Research


N Mcguca and C Tame-Gwaxula - teachers on an action research project in South Africa

Our greatest learning has been what we discovered about ourselves. We learned that we can make a difference without too much effort by following a systematic plan of intervention. Action research has been a powerful tool for us to work together to bring about positive change in our school. Because we hold up our values of mutual respect and fairness as our criteria by which we judge our own behavior, we make sure that our interventions do not impose change on the learners, but allow them to develop their own potential for change and improvement. We view the learners with a different attitude now – we no longer see them as troublemakers, but as children who are suffering from social injustices and who only need a little bit of positive input to change.


MDGreenSchoolCoordinator Feb 27, 2010

Here is a summary of some free writes that I have done in my journal - Anyone that has overlapping interests or questions will be really valuable contacts for me as I start to frame my action research for next school year.

Problem: - Society and Education have become atomized or departmentalized which 
eliminates critical understanding and development of our human interior condition.

o How can schools maintain specialization and academically rigorous content knowledge while integrating subjective or interior human development which requires interdisciplinary or “trans-disciplinary study” – Ex: Our article titled
 “The Best of Both Worlds” unifying critical pedagogy and place-based education. How can I co-create a school or entire education community based on that type of pedagogy?
o What are the effects of connecting to wild and natural spaces on organizational leadership? On students? On teachers? On activists or community organizers?
o What does connecting to wild and natural spaces look like?








4. What technology has been the most important and why?


Various technologies have been employed through the action research process by the cadre to support their research. The following is a list of some of the key technology for the process including details of how it was applied and the way in which it impacted the work

Google Sites and Tools 
The organization of Google Sites kept the revision and feedback process organized, thorough, and easy to manage as it included the ability to request feedback and notify others when feedback was completed. Collecting the feedback on a single page using multiple colors to identify unique reviewers was effective and made for a great way to track progress. Google apps (I.E. Sites, Docs, and Groups) have enhanced our potential to collaborate online. 

Google Docs and their web-based word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, and form application o allows users to create and edit documents online while collaborating in real-time with other users. This is a perfect complement tool for Google sites. It allows for easy embedding of Microsoft Office documents. These tools were used extensively to post action research documents on Google sites. Hangouts provided for video conferencing.

Skype is a flexible, easy to use text and voice synchronous video conferencing tool that allows multiple individuals to engage in a dialogue at one time. The option to choose to interact via text or voice alone or a combination of both adds to the dynamic nature of this tool. Skype has also been extremely useful in group meetings, allowing groups to connect anywhere and at anytime. It made the meetings with groups very easy and productive. Skype is also good for Learning Circle sessions and, by using additional software, the session is able to be recorded for future review.


Etherpad is a web-based collaborative real-time editor, allowing up to eight people to edit a text document at the same time and see all of the participants' edits in real-time, each in their own color. Participants can permanently save revisions at any time, and it provides a separate chat box in a sidebar. This tool is great as it enables real-time collaboration on a web-based word processor. An alternate view is that it can limit the participants' ability to be active listeners to what is being said by someone in the group since attention is divided between different things.

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Viewing all of the challenging issues I face as questions, rather than problems is helping me sleep better at night. This wikis site, the book "Living the Questions" Hubbard, Power as well as Action Research by Mills, are guiding this process. I am feeling confident in facing the challenges that I was about ready to give up on 2 years ago.




B. How Does Action Research Affect the Community?

Collaborative Action Research is always done with people rather than on people. The action researcher tries to enlist the group as co-researchers and provides a model of servant leadership. So how does action research affect the workplace? We are looking for stories that can be shared by people who have engaged in action research as researchers, co-researchers, or supervisors.

1) For the Action Researcher:

What changes have you seen in the community as a result of your action research project?

The changes I have seen in the communities I work in are: Increased ownership of school learning culture, increased participation of school/community stakeholders, diversification of school/community stakeholders. The partnerships that result from our MD Green School Application process are long term and true to the phrase: "A partnership gives and receives. If you are only receiving then it is a gift." I am working to use the development of ecological literacy (environmental literacy) as a pedagogical framework to create learning communities that are ecologically sustainable, spiritually fulfilling and socially just. Pleune Ryan

2)  For the Participants or Co-Researcher:

What changes have you seen in the community as a result of your participation as a co-researcher on someone's action research project?

As a co-researcher on Anne Smith’s 9th-grade action research project, I noticed two changes in the community as a result of her research. One major change occurred among the students that were part of this project. As the researcher participated in the overall research plan, took action, collected, analyzed evidence, and reflected on the results, the students took close notice. They followed the example set forth by the researcher and began to engage in deeper and more effective self-reflection through blog entries, conversations with their peers inside and outside of class, and turned in assignments. Another major change was the effect this action research project had on the co-researcher. As the researcher was making changes and reflecting on each cycle of the research, I was granted the privilege of being alongside her throughout the process. This increased the dialogue between us on many topics relating directly to the research, but it also caused a deep sense of obligation to further study and reflect on my own practice. By participating in this action research project as a co-researcher my own teaching has and will continue to improve. - Randon Ruggles

3)  For the Supervisor:

What changes have you seen in the community as a result of an action research project of a person you supervise?

Our team is really committed to continuous learning and studying ourselves so having a member of the team conducting action research was quite natural. Lately, we have been really busy and have not invested the time in asking key questions and seeking to understand more deeply what we are doing and learning -- so having someone on the team in an action-research role was exciting. It brought us back into a more reflective stance as a team and was a catalyst for us to get back to some fundamental questions like, "Who are we?" "What is our deep purpose?" and, "Are we investing our resources in ways that align effectively with that?" This was a very positive experience and one that I feel strongly should be a part of every organization's rhythm.



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